The Smith Family Page

Now Introducing:

Sarah Anna Beth

and her favorite siblings....

Erik      Brandy      Nathan      Isabella

Erik's MS Blog

Stacey and Chris' Cookbook      Stacey's Wedding Pictures

7/23/06 -- No Sarah page... but I threw together a quick page for my mommies group to view... it's located here.

7/5/06 Okay, it's been a while since the last update... Sarah is almost two months old and I am just adding her to the page... YIKES!!  More changes to come, so stay tuned!!

Please help us find a home for the kittens we rescued... if you know of anyone who would be interested, please have them email me.  Here is a webpage link devoted to the little cuties!

For Father's Day there are two movies made for two very special Dad's.  One is for my sweet husband and love of my life.  The other is for the man who taught him to be a man, and treats me like a daughter.  I love you both dearly.

To see Rick's Movie, click here.

To see Erik's Movie, click here and choose to watch the video.


Welcome to the summer!  The kids are enjoying any and every opportunity to get wet or as Isabella says go "aut-siiiide" (translation outside).  Nate is talking like he has done it since he was born.  He knows lots of letters, some numbers and can count to 12.  He is singing songs now, and loves to dance.  Isabella also loves to dance, but likes techno music!  :-)  She is adding new words everyday, and recently she got over her seperation anxiety and runs from us at every opportunity.  Since she has been walking less than a month we are amazed, and surprised by her progress.  Erik is doing great, and with all his credits recently finished his first year of school.  He should have his associates degree by next May.  It will be here before we know it. 

As far as the website goes, I recently got a new program I had to play with (instead of doing much needed chores...) and there is a new video of Nate when he went to see the firetrucks.  Click here to see the video... if you don't have the password and want to see it, email me at Jesuslovesyouandme2 at yahoo dot com. 

Things are going well in the Smith life.  Erik is feeling good, and as always looking good.  Nate is growing and talking more and more each day.  Isabella is so close to walking, I expect her to step out any day!  We have had a few warm days, and it makes you feel so alive to see green and flowers returning after the winter.  We are counting our blessings and looking forward to a great year.

Oh and we are doing the National MS Society Walk on April 2nd so, if you want to join our team (aptly named Team Cure MS) click on team and sign up!  If you would like to sponsor any member of the family (Nate and Bella are official walkers too) click on e-pledge.  We are hoping for a cure soon!

Erik's Grandmother, Verda Smith, passed away on December 31, 2004.  Please lift up Erik's family in prayer.  We were able to spend Christmas with her this year, and we are so thankful for the time we all had together.  As you can see from the above picture, we had lots of fun, and it was all very casual and laid back.  Truly we are so blessed.  Click here to download a Power Point photo tribute to this wonderful woman.  Our loss is Heaven's gain.

I am sure you were thinking that this site was never going to get updated.  Things have been bittersweetly busy in the Smith life.  Erik's Grandmother recently was quite ill, and then to add insult to injury she fell and broke her hip.  She is making some big life changes including a move.  Erik and I are honored to be a part of the helping process, and we are wishing her all the best.  Please keep her in your prayers.

Christopher and Stacey's wedding pics are are newest offering!  We are excited to have these finally up.  I am going to try and get pics from before the wedding up as well.

Nathan is growing like a weed, and talks more and more each and every day.  He loves to say, "I got it!" which could mean he is taking something you hand him, opening the locked door, or trying to pick up Isabella!  Isabella is sitting up and is grabbing everything!  She recently began eating baby food, and her favorite thus far is sweet potatoes.  Both of the children are such a joy to us and bring us so much pleasure.

This season is looking to be a busy one.  Erik is going to be doing some server upgrades, and that means we get to make a trip to Austin in December.  Should be fun as we will take the kids to the Zilker Park Christmas Tree.  I remember spinning underneath it until I was sick as a child.  Should be lots of fun.

We just returned from Stacey and Chris' wedding, and had the most wonderful visit.  Stacey was the most beautiful bride EVER!!  I hope to have pictures uploaded soon.

I want to thank each of the guests of the wedding for making the cookbook a success.  There were 108 submitted recipes, and when typed up the cookbook is 69 pages long, wow!  It was wonderful fun putting it together, and I felt privileged to be able to give it to them.  Some people wondered why I did not give this to them at the wedding, and I just wasn't sure when would be the best time.  Instead I gave it to them at the rehearsal dinner.  Click here to be put to the recipe page which Erik put together for easy downloading.  You can get an individual recipe, or download the entire book.  Again Thank you to all who contributed!

© The Smith Life, Inc. 2005