Nathan, Isabella, and Sarah
Mackinac Island, Michigan
June 2006

Arch Rock:  A really cool rock formation

Erik and Isabella in front of the Grand Hotel

Isabella, our neice Erin, holding our nephew Sean, and Nathan holding Sarah
The socks that the kids are wearing were all knit by their Great Grandmother!

The majority of the family

The front of the cottage, facing the Straits of Mackinac

Isabella was in LOVE with the horses.  Erik's Mom Sandi is holding Bella, while Aunt Heidi looks on.

Isabella and her cousin Jack.  What a great pic!!

Sandi (aka Old Mom) and Isabella playing ball outside

Isabella in some very cold Michigan water!  She was throwing stones into the Great Lake!

Two words:  Spaghetti Night

A swing in the front yard hanging from a tree

Mommy snuck a butterfly on her hair while she wasn't looking!  Taken at the Butterfly Conservatory.

Matching shirts courtesy of Great Old Mom

Erik's Cousin Liz holding Sarah.  Our Brother in Law Chris is in the background.

The kids playing with bubbles in the grass

Really the water was so cold!!  The loved it!

Ahhh!  Sharing the swing!

The sandbox was on the side of the house.  It was a favorite spot for the kids, especially when horses were
clacking by on the nearby street!

Love that smile!

Great Old Mom holding Sarah on Porch

Old Mom holding our precious Nephew Sean

Rick (aka Grandad) and Nate throwing Rocks at the water's edge.  The kids loved throwing rocks in the water!
Round Island lighthouse is in the distance.

Erik's sister Stacey, Erik's Dad Rick, Sandi his Mom, Chris our BIL, and Erin our neice together.  
Not seen is Sean our nephew sleeping in the stroller!

One of my favorite pics... Aunt Stacey loving on Sarah
