Nathan Bradley

Our little baby is really grown into such a little boy.  He is the sweetest little guy you would ever meet.  Nate has never met another "friend" he did not like.  (He calls anyone his age a friend.)  He now speaks in complete sentences, and can count to 12 and say his abc's with a little help.  He knows his shapes and colors, and has began singing songs.  He loves to pick up books, and tell the story he sees on the pictures.  It is hard to believe how fast he is growing up.  We are so blessed with our sweet little man.

           Jack, these were my Daddy's trucks!                               I climbed in, but not sure how to get out                            Drop and give me 20 Baby!

                  You scream, I scream...                                Oh, I am so cute in my frog shirt                              Man's work, cutting down and moving trees

                                       Working hard                                              Cuddling with Daddy and Baby                                         Fun with Elmo

                                         Sure, Mommy I won't pull the bear off the wall again...        Sitting with Baby at Blue's Clue's Birthday Party

Message from Daddy for Nate

    Nate and Daddy standing by creeping snake                                 Holding baby is such fun                                       Nate swinging in the big sling swing

   Think of all the fun times camping we will have!                        Come a little bit closer Katie...                                    One day I will make it up this wall

                   Playing in boxes is such fun           When there not looking I will really swing you high!             For my next trick I will tame the babies!

                                                    I smile even when I am sick                                                What a cute bear from Mackinac

    Hold on tight Baby!

                           Rare smile after nap                                                          This is one cute kid                                             Daddy, one day I will be a farmer

                      Ride em cowboy                                        This is the best puddle ever, Nana                                                      Show me the candy

                           Stike a pose, there's nothing to it             I make these boots look good!                                   Hanging out with Nana

                                  Daddy is so much fun!                                      Eating a banana, looking cool                             Ride like the wind Katie!

Daddy, when do I get a tin foil hat like you?


Nathan's Gallery

Isabella's Gallery