Isabella Joy

Our Sweet little girl is growing up!  She can sit, crawl, cruise, and is so close to walking.  She can say hi, bye, ma-ma, and da-da.  She comes when you call her, crawling as fast as she can!  She loves to be with Nate, and thinks he is the best toy we have.  She loves the dog and cats, and is so gentle and loving with them.  She is very shy, but is a total flirt from the safety of her parents arms.  Isabella loves to be around other kids and is very even tempered. 
She is such a blessing.

                          Swimming with Daddy                                                           Swimming with Mommy                                                Sleeping with Granddad

                      Eating cereal for the 1st time                                                 With Daddy before work                                            Sucking thumb in megasaucer

                                                          Good Morning!                                                     Hold me tight                                                           Big Smile

What a cutie!

                                    Asleep on Daddy                                                   Riding the tractor, what fun!                                            This tractor is so cool...

Chilling with Daddy

                                                                           Clowing around with Nana                                                                                      Me and Mommy                                   

What a fun time we had trick or treating!

                                    Enjoying the spoils of her plunder                                         Love my brother                                            Enjoying the Old Mom Rodeo

Love to sit in Old Mom's Lap

                         Daddy is so funny                                           And he has the best drinks!                                                             We are so tired...

                                                 Not everything made by Microsoft is bad                                       Love to jump                                               Standing tall

  Enjoying my first Oreo cookie

                                                                                        Love that mac and cheese                                                                  Cat toys are cool

  Hanging with my best friend and brother

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