Recipe for a Great Marriage
From Brandy Smith

“This was given to us as a wedding gift with several other recipes.  We love you both, and pray for a blessed marriage and a long life together!”

God is Love
May you have His kind of love for each other
Love is Patient and Kind
May you be able to lovingly overlook each others faults and weaknesses
Love is not Jealous or Boastful
May you seek praise for each other and not for yourselves
Love is not Arrogant or Rude
May you give of yourselves for each other's needs and treat
one another with the upmost respect
Love Does not Insist on It's Own Way
May you genuinely listen to each other with a willingness to be wrong yourselves.
Love is not Irritable or Resentful
May you be tolerant of each other's moods,
always ready to forgive, never holding a grudge.
Love Does not Rejoice at Wrong, but Rejoices in the Right
May you experience happiness because of each other's triumphs and successes.
Love Bears All Things
May you fully trust and support each other in all your endeavors
Love Hopes All Things
May you always expect the best in each situation, regardless of temporary setbacks.
Love Endures All Things
May you never give up your commitment to work on improving your relationship
Love Never Ends
May you spend the rest of your lives together enjoying His love.
God is Love
1 Corinthians 13 and 1 John 4