Cornbread Dressing
By Brandy Smith

3-4 chicken breasts (boiled, save the broth)
2 pans of cornbread (not the sweet kind)
2 pieces of white bread dried out (I usually just toast them.)
1 medium onion
3-4 stalks of celery
3-4 tsp butter or margarine
2 boiled eggs
2 raw eggs
Poultry seasoning
Salt and Pepper

In a pan saute onions and celery in butter.  Put cornbread and light bread crumbled into a small roasting pan or large casserole dish.  Tear chicken into shredded pieces and add to bread mixture.  Cut up boiled eggs and add to bread and chicken.  Finally add sauted onions and celery.  Pour broth slowly into mixture, making sure the bread is really wet.  Stir away large lumps.  If you run out of broth, I either make some with bullion cubes or used canned broth.  At this point add poultry seasoning, salt and pepper, and sage to taste.  Sage is what gives the dressing it's unique taste, but it can be overpowering, so be careful.  (Poultry seasoning contains some sage as well.)  This can sit in the refrigerator overnight.  When ready to cook add 2 raw eggs and stir until they are evenly distributed.  Bake at 350 degrees for one hour or until the mixture is set in the middle.