Sundried Tomato/Roasted Pepper/Mozzarella Cheese Appetizer
By Karen Kramer

Olive oil – extra virgin
garlic 2-3 cloves crushed
basil – fresh chopped or dried
1 jar roasted sweet peppers (about 12 oz)
1 package sundried tomatoes (packaged by Shop Rite on a styrofoam meat tray – not sure of the correct size.)
8 oz whole milk (softer/creamier) or part skim mozzarella cheese (lower in fat)
Sliced baguette or toast crackers to put dip onto

Use 4 quart dutch oven or large frying pan.  Pour extra virgin olive oil in pan until 1/4”.  Gently simmer garlic and basil.  Add tomatoes and peppers.  (I usually drain off their liquid from the jar and cut peppers into bite size pieces.)  Simmer these together for a few minutes (10-15) then cool.  When cool enough that the cheese doesn't melt (but slightly warm is okay) add slices of mozzarella cheese to mixture.  Stir to coat.  Serve with sliced baguette or toast crackers.  Can garnish top with fresh basil leaves.